Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Prada, Not Prado

Finally, it happened.

Someone walked into Avery and flashed me her Prada card** instead of her Columbia ID.

Very, very little known fact: your Prada card also functions as student ID at Avery.*

*I still asked for her Columbia ID because I am planning on working here over the summer and don't want to jeopardize my status because the Prada card thing is my own rule.

**I did a presentation last semester on Rem Koolhaas' Prada Epicenter in SoHo for my 21st Century Architects seminar, so I happen to be in the know on this: if one shops at Prada regularly, he or she can open an account with the store. All of their measurements and past purchases will be stored on the card. Whenever you enter the story, if an associate swipes it, it will, again, bring up what measurements you need for specific articles of clothing you want to try on, and also make suggestions of current season items you should check out based on your taste in accordance to past expenditures.

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